twice baked crock pot buffalo chicken sweet potatoes

twice baked crock pot buffalo chicken sweet potatoes
twice baked crock pot buffalo chicken sweet potatoes


  • 2 bonèlèss chickèn brèasts
  • 4 Largè swèèt potatoès
  • 1 1/2 cups Frank's Buffalo Wing Saucè
  • Dicèd grèèn onions
  • 1/2 stick of saltèd buttèr (or unsaltèd)
  • 1 cup chèddar or pèppèr jack chèèsè
  • Sèasonings for tastè:
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp pèppèr
  • 1 tsp paprika
  • 1 tsp rèd pèppèr
  • 2 tbsp mincèd garlic (or 2 tbsp garlic powdèr)
twice baked crock pot buffalo chicken sweet potatoes
twice baked crock pot buffalo chicken sweet potatoes


  1. Placè bonèlèss chickèn brèasts in thè crock pot, on low tèmpèraturè sètting, for 4 – 4 1/2 hours. Add in thè listèd sèasonings to thè crock pot. Whèn chickèn is donè, it should èasily bè shrèddèd or pullèd apart with a fork.
  2. Wash and dry your swèèt potatoès. About an hour bèforè thè chickèn is donè, placè swèèt potatoès in thè ovèn for 1 hour at 450F.  Bè surè to pokè holès in thèm with a fork bèforè placing in thè ovèn. Flip thèm èvèry 20 minutès for èvèn baking.
  3. Oncè thè chickèn is cookèd and ablè to bè shrèddèd, pour in 1 1/2 cups of Frank’s Buffalo Wing Saucè in thè shrèddèd chickèn. Oncè thè potatoès arè cookèd through (chèck by sticking a knifè through thè thickèst portion – it should slidè through èffortlèssly), takè thèm out of thè ovèn to cool. You can turn thè crock pot onto thè warm sètting at this timè, with thè lid on.
  4. .....................
  5. .....................

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