Fried Mac and Cheese Bites


  • 1 lb macaroni
  • 16 oz sharp chèddar chèèsè block or 16oz shrèddèd
  • 1 1/4 cup milk
  • 1/2 cup flour
  • 1/4 cup buttèr
  • 2 èggs
  • 3 cups sèasonèd brèad crumbs
  • Salt & pèppèr to tastè
  • Vègètablè oil for frying


  1. Boil macaroni until tèndèr, drain and sèt asidè. Shrèd chèèsè and sèt asidè.
  2. In a largè pan, mèlt buttèr ovèr mèdium hèat. Add flour and mix until light brown color (makè a roux).
  3. Add 1 cup milk and whisk until thick.
  4. Add chèèsè onè handful at a timè. Mix until chèèsè is mèltèd and smooth.
  5. Add cookèd macaroni to pan and mix until wèll coatèd. Add salt and pèppèr.
  6. Transfèr to a containèr and rèfrigèratè for at lèast 1 hour, or until cold.
  7. ........................................
  8. ........................................

Gèt Full Rècipè >>>

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