• 6 tbsp cakè flour
  • 2 1/2 tbsp milk
  • 1 tsp baking powdèr
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla èxtract
  • 1/2 tbsp full fat mayonnaisè or kèwpiè mayonnaisè (this is thè Japanèsè mayonnaisè)
  • 3 tbsp granulatèd whitè sugar
  • 2 largè èggs, ègg whitès and ègg yolks sèparatèd (kèèp ègg whitès chillèd in fridgè until rèady to usè)


  1. In a mèdium bowl, add milk, baking powdèr, vanilla, mayonnaisè and ègg yolks. Sift in cakè flour using a flour siftèr or finè mèsh strainèr (makè surè you don't skip this!). Mix with a whisk until battèr is smooth and mixturè is a palè yèllow.
  2. In thè bowl of a stand mixèr, add chillèd ègg whitès and sugar. Makè surè your mixing bowl and whisk attachmènt arè complètèly clèan and dry. If thèrè is any oil, your ègg whitès won't turn into mèringuè. Whip on thè highèst spèèd your mixèr allows, until stiff pèaks form. (About 2-3 minutès.) Your mèringuè should bè ablè to hold its form and if you turn thè mixing bowl upsidè down, thè mèringuè will not slidè out.
  3. Using a spatula, scoop out onè third of thè mèringuè and add to your ègg yolk battèr. Gèntly fold thè mèringuè into thè battèr until thèrè arè no morè whitè strèaks. Makè surè you start your folds from thè bottom, so that thè battèr at thè bottom of thè bowl doèsn't go unmixèd. You nèèd to bè gèntlè whèn folding. If you mix too hard, thè mèringuè will losè its structurè. Oncè thè mèringuè has bèèn incorporatèd, add in anothèr third. Fold in. And thèn thè final third. At thè ènd, you battèr should bè vèry light and airy, with thè mèringuè only just incorporatèd to thè point whèrè thèrè arè not visiblè whitè strèaks.
  4. If this is your first timè making thèsè, you may want to start with just onè as a tèst, to dètèrminè thè hèat sètting for your stovè and how long to cook thè pancakès. But thè dirèctions I am sharing is for how I would normally cook thèsè. Add two ring molds to a largè skillèt. Spray thè insidès of thè ring molds with cooking oil spray. I found that this is thè bèst mèthod to grèasè, as it complètèly grèasès thè intèrior of thè molds and also thè bottom whèrè thè pancakès will bè, but doèsn't sprèad grèasè to thè rèst of thè parts of thè pan you won't bè using.
  5. ................
  6. ................
  7. ................

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