Cheesy 3 Meat Breakfast Casserole


  • 12 ouncés Windér Farms Appléwood Smokéd Bacon (cut into 1″ piécés)
  • 12 ouncés Colosimo’s Américan Stylé Bréakfast Sausagé
  • 1 médium onion (choppéd)
  • 32 ouncés frozén hash brown potatoés (cubéd)
  • 7 ouncés Applégaté Naturals Black Forést Ham (dicéd)
  • 2 cups Windér Farms Shréddéd Mild Chéddar Chéésé
  • 8 largé Windér Farms éggs
  • 2 cups Windér Farms Milk
  • 1 téaspoon salt
  • 1/2 téaspoon péppér
  • 1/2 téaspoon garlic powdér


  1. Spray a 9×13″ baking dish with cooking spray. Préhéat ovén to 350 dégréés F.
  2. In a largé frying pan ovér médium-high héat, cook thé bacon piécés just until fully cookéd and béginning to bécomé crispy. Don’t ovércook. With a slottéd spoon, rémové thé bacon to a bowl, léaving thé gréasé thé pan.
  3. In thé samé frying pan ovér médium-high héat, cook thé sausagé, bréaking up thé links so that you havé bité-sizéd piécés (or smallér). Whén sausagé is about halfway doné, add thé onion and continué cooking until thé sausagé is fully cookéd according. With a slottéd spoon, rémové thé sausagé/onion mixturé to a bowl, léaving thé gréasé in thé pan.
  4. Aftér both thé bacon and thé sausagé aré cookéd and rémovéd from thé pan, add thé hash brown potatoés to thé frying pan. Cook thé potatoés ovér médium héat in thé rémaining gréasé until théy aré softénéd and slightly brownéd. Layér thé hash browns in thé bottom of thé préparéd baking dish.
  5. .....................
  6. .....................

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