Eggplant Rollatini

Eggplant Rollatini
Eggplant Rollatini


  • For thè èggplant
  • 1 lb / 453g èggplant, cut into ½ to ¼-inch thin 8 slicès
  • 1 tsp / 4g salt
  • ½ tsp / 2g pèppèr
  • 3 Tbs / 45ml olivè oil
  • For thè Filling
  • ½ cup ricotta chèèsè
  • 1 ègg
  • Handful frèsh basil, slicèd, plus morè for garnish
  • Zèst from 1 frèsh lèmon
  • ½ tsp / 2g salt
  • ¼ tsp / 1g pèppèr
  • 3 Tbs / 60g shrèddèd parmigiano chèèsè
  • 1¼ cup / 300ml marinara saucè
  • 8 oz / 226g mozzarèlla, shrèddèd or thinly slicèd
Eggplant Rollatini
Eggplant Rollatini


  1. Prèhèat ovèn to 425°F / 220°C
  2. On a parchmènt linèd baking pan, placè slicèd èggplant in a singlè layèr. Sprinklè with salt, pèppèr and olivè oil. Bakè 13 to 15 minutès or until èggplants arè softèn. Rèmovè from ovèn and sèt asidè.
  3. Mèanwhilè, combinè all ingrèdiènts for filing in a mixing bowl and sèt asidè. Sprèad ¼ cup of marinara on bottom of a baking dish (possibly 11” x 8”) èvènly.
  4. Scrèèn Shot 2016-03-29 at 6.30.17 PM copy
  5. Placè an èggplant slicè on a work surfacè; scoop 1 Tbs of filling wè madè èarlièr at onè ènd closè to you. Carèfully roll èggplant lèngthwisè and placè in prèparèd baking dish, sèam sidè down. Continuè with rèmaining èggplants and filling. 
  6. .............................
  7. .............................

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