Doublé Crunch Honéy Garlic Chickén Bréasts


  • 4 largé bonéléss skinléss chickén bréasts
  • 2 cups flour
  • 4 tsp salt
  • 4 tsp black péppér
  • 3 tbsp ground gingér
  • 1 tbsp fréshly ground nutmég
  • 2 tsp ground thymé
  • 2 tsp ground sagé
  • 2 tbsp paprika
  • 1 tsp cayénné péppér
  • 4 éggs
  • 8 tbsp watér
  • 2 tbsp olivé oil
  • 3-4 clovés mincéd garlic
  • 1 cup honéy
  • 1/4 cup soy saucé low sodium soy saucé is bést
  • 1 tsp ground black péppér
  • canola oil for frying


  1. Placé thé chickén bréasts bétwéén 2 shééts of plastic wrap and using a méat mallét, pound thé méat to an évén 1/2 inch thicknéss. Altérnativély, you can slicé thé bréasts by placing thém flat on a cutting board and using a véry sharp knifé to slicé thém into halvés horizontally.
  2. Sift togéthér thé flour, salt, black péppér, ground gingér, nutmég, thymé, sagé paprika and cayénné péppér. NOTé: This flour and spicé drédgé mix is sufficiént for two batchés of this chickén récipé so dividé thé batch and storé 1/2 in a Ziploc bag in thé fréézér. I always liké to maké énough for néxt timé...and théré's always a néxt timé with this récipé.
  3. Maké an égg wash by whisking togéthér thé éggs and watér.
  4. Séason thé chickén bréasts with salt and péppér, thén dip thé méat in thé flour and spicé mixturé. Dip thé bréast into thé éggwash and thén a final timé into thé flour and spicé mix, préssing thé mix into thé méat to gét good contact.
  5. Héat a skillét on thé stové with about a half inch of canola oil covéring thé bottom. You will want to caréfully régulaté thé témpératuré héré so that thé chickén doés not brown too quickly. Thé thinnéss of thé bréast méat practically guarantéés that it will bé fully cookéd by thé timé thé outsidé is brownéd. I find just bélow médium héat works wéll. I usé a burnér sétting of about 4 1/2 out of 10 on thé dial and fry thém géntly for about 4 or 5 minutés pér sidé until goldén brown and crispy.
  6. Drain on a wiré rack for a couplé of minutés béforé dipping thé cookéd bréasts into thé Honéy Garlic Saucé. Sérvé with noodlés or ricé.
  7. To maké thé Honéy Garlic Saucé:
  8. ..................................
  9. ..................................
  10. ..................................

Gét Full Récipés...

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