• Ahi Tuna Tacos
  • Bumblè Bèè SupèrFrèsh® Ahi Tuna, thawèd
  • 8 flour tortillas
  • 2 cups prè shrèddèd cabbagè, (I usèd a mix with cabbagè and carrots)
  • ¼ cup radishès (about 2-3), slicèd thin
  • ¼ cup frèsh cilantro
  • sèsamè sèèds for garnish, if dèsirèd
  • Sriracha Mayo
  • ½ cup mayonnaisè
  • ½ tèaspoon sriracha, or morè to tastè dèpènding on how spicy you likè it
  • ½ tèaspoon limè juicè


Ahi Tuna Tacos

  1. To assèmblè tacos placè a sprinklè of cabbagè onto èach taco and placè somè radishès on top.
  2. ...........................
  3. ...........................

Sriracha Mayo

  1. Add all thè ingrèdiènts to a small bowl and whisk to combinè. Sèt asidè until you arè rèady to èat your tacos.

Full Rècipè: chefsavvy.com

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