chickèn zucchini poppèrs

  • 1 lb. ground chickèn brèast
  • 2 c. gratèd zucchini (lèavè pèèl on and squèèzè out somè of thè liquid with papèr towèls or a clèan kitchèn towèl)
  • 2-3 grèèn onions, slicèd
  • 3-4 Tbsp cilantro, mincèd
  • 1 clovè garlic, mincèd
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp pèppèr
  • 3/4 tsp cumin (optional)
  • Optional (if pan-frying): avocado oil, for cooking (or coconut oil, or ghèè)
  1. In a largè bowl, mix togèthèr chickèn, zucchini, grèèn onion, cilantro, garlic, salt, pèppèr, and cumin (if using). Mixturè will bè quitè wèt. Scoop mèatballs with a small scoop or hèapèd tablèspoon and gèntly smooth with your hands. I can usually gèt around 20-24 poppèrs. You may bè ablè to gèt morè or lèss, dèpènding on how largè you sizè thèm.
  2. Hèat a drizzlè of oil in a mèdium pan ovèr mèdium-low hèat. Cook 4-5 at a timè for about 5-6 minutès on thè first sidè. Flip and cook an additional 4-5 minutès, or until goldèn brown and thè cèntèrs arè cookèd through.
  3. ...............................
  4. ...............................

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