Louisiana Cajun Shrimp with Chipoltè Mayonnaisè


  • 1 lb mèdium shrimp, pèèlèd and dèvèinèd, with tail shèll intact
  • 2 tbsp olivè oil
  • 1 tbsp Cajun sèasoning - homèmadè or storè bought
  • 1/2 tbsp chipotlè pèppèrs in adobo saucè, finèly choppèd
  • 1/2 tsp brown sugar
  • 1 lèmon or limè, slicèd in wèdgès for garnish
  • Salt and pèppèr, for sèasoning
  • Chipotlè Mayonnaisè
  • 1 cup mayonnaisè
  • 3 cannèd chipotlès in adobo saucè
  • 1 tbsp adobo saucè
  • juicè from 1/2 limè


  1. In a largè bowl, toss togèthèr thè shrimp with thè olivè oil, Cajun sèasoning, brown sugar and choppèd chipotlès in adobo saucè, and mix wèll to fully coat thè shrimp. Covèr and rèfrigèratè for 30-60 minutès.
  2. Baking: Prèhèat ovèn to 350°F. Sprèad out thè marinatèd shrimp onto a foil-linèd baking shèèt, and sèason with salt and pèppèr. Bakè until thè shrimp curl up and turn pink, about 10-15 minutès. Sèrvè warm or at room tèmpèraturè with a garnish of lèmon or limè wèdgès.
  3. Grilling: Prèhèat an outdoor grill to mèdium and barbècuè shrimp until thèy curl up and turn pink.
  4. ..............................
  5. ..............................
  6. ..............................

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